My name is Gary Perkins. I am a Jehovah’s Witness who is researching the history of ordinary Bible Students in the United States during the period 1917-1919. These faced considerable opposition due to both their unwillingness to support the war drive and their outspoken public ministry.
To my knowledge, nobody has researched this fascinating period in any depth. This blog attempts to fill this shortfall by focusing on some examples that illustrate the problems experienced. I will also list names and details of various individuals in the hope that readers might be able to comment and add their own family recollections, photos or other information to my records. If you have access to any Daily Manna records from the period these would be especially helpful.
For a start, I list the names of the following International Bible Student Association conscientious objectors believed to have faced Court Martial. Are any of these members of your family? Can you tell me anything about their WWI experience or thereafter?
Anthony John Adams
Ralph Beattie
Harold Earl Bruber
Ward Clarence Daisenberger
Gerald DeCessa
Luther Leo Denton
William Robert Denton
Julian Dombrowski
Walter Boyd Dumbleton
Manuel Paul Fernandez
Ross H. Gillman
Walter L. Hake
John Andrew Harderson
Stephen Harkey Jnr.
Frank Emerson Harris
Benjamin Kopp
Walfred E. Marker
John W. McCabe
Stanley Obed Olson
Demetrius Papageorge
H. Elmer Pinard
William Thelma Pinard
Philip H. Pound
Fred Horace Robinson
Jiesef Sabczak
Alonzo Home Sampley
Pete Siepka
Marks Reynolds Thomas
Charles H. Walker
Can you tell me anything about their WWI experience or thereafter? I will tell the story of some of these men, as best I know it, in future articles.
All good wishes,